Boca Raton Car Accident Lawyer

Hire the best car accident lawyers in Boca Raton

If you need the help of an experienced Boca Raton Car Accident, the attorneys at Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia are ready to help.

Boca Raton Car Accident Lawyers - Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia - WHG

Each year, car accidents caused by negligence cost injured Boca Raton residents their health, finances, independence, and relationships. When someone else’s negligence results in debilitating injuries that require time off work or yield insurmountable medical debt, the injured party has the right to recover damages in a personal injury lawsuit.

After a car accident, insurance companies will try a variety of tactics to undermine your claim and diminish your settlement. As the injured party, the value of the damages you recover is heavily influenced by the quality of the personal injury lawyer you choose to represent you.

WHG Can Help With Your Car Accident Claim

Not only do we specialize in car accident lawsuits, but we also have an advantage over most other personal injury lawyers when it comes to negotiating favorable settlements. The founding partners of Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia all have trial experience backgrounds. Our team won’t be intimidated by the prospect of pursuing maximum compensation in court when negotiations come to an impasse.

During your recovery from a car accident, you shouldn’t have to be concerned about how you’re going to pay hospital bills or afford to have your car repaired. With WHG at your side, you can rest assured that we will work tirelessly to get you compensation so that your current and future needs are handled. We offer a free strategy session for prospective clients to receive customized legal advice and begin the process of building a solid car accident lawsuit.

Car Accident Statistics in Boca Raton and Florida

Below are graphs that we created in order to help you understand the serious injuries and deaths that occur in Boca Raton and the State of Florida as a result of car accidents.

The following graphs show serious injuries and fatalities from car accidents, including over the last ten years, cause of accidents, and also by age group, day of the week, and time of the day.

*Click or tap any graph to zoom in.

Serious Injuries and Fatalities from Car Accidents in Boca Raton Over Last 10 Years

Graph of Annual Serious Injuries and Fatalities in Boca Raton by WHG

Causes of Serious Injuries and Fatalities from Car Accidents in Boca Raton Over Last 10 Years

Graph of Causes of Injuries and Fatalities in Boca Raton by WHG

Serious Injuries and Fatalities from Car Accidents in Boca Raton by Age Group

Graph of Age Groups of Injuries and Fatalities in Boca Raton by WHG

Serious Injuries and Fatalities from Car Accidents in Boca Raton by Day of Week

Graph of Day of the Week Injuries and Fatalities in Boca Raton by WHG

Serious Injuries and Fatalities from Car Accidents in Boca Raton by Hour of Day

*Source: FDOT and Target Zero

Common Causes of Boca Raton Car Accidents

Understanding the common causes of car accidents in Florida and Boca Raton is critical to help keep yourself and your family safe.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, the average American drives about 13,500 miles a year, enough to drive from coast to coast about 4.5 times. Even if most of your driving is within the confines of Palm Beach County, driving still carries the risk of being involved in a severe car accident.

In 2023, Palm Beach County experienced 53,612 total motor vehicle crashes, resulting in 763 serious injuries and 181 fatalities. That’s about 4,467 crashes per month. Some crashes can be attributed to events beyond drivers’ control, like poor weather. However, many drivers engage in common behaviors like drunk driving that are just as reckless without regard for the threat they pose to their fellow motorists and road users.

Drunk Drivers Can Cause Devastating Car Accidents

In Florida, drivers can be charged with a DUI if they are operating their vehicle with a blood alcohol level at and over 0.08 BAC. Alcohol can significantly compromise a driver’s ability to perceive distance accurately and react to the environment around them. A drunk driver may have difficulty judging the space they need to slow down for a stop sign due to their impaired vision or recognizing they need to rotate the wheel tighter to make a turn. Accidents caused by drunk drivers can range from minor fender-benders to deadly head-on collisions.

Drowsy Driving Poses a Risk to Road Users

Driving on minimal sleep can have serious repercussions. Studies examining driver behavior have concluded that drowsy driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving. Drowsy drivers may miss a change in the posted speed limit and rear-end another driver or have trouble keeping their car within the lane lines and sideswipe another vehicle. Fatigued drivers can even nod off behind the wheel, swerving into traffic, cyclists in bike lanes, or pedestrians using crosswalks.

Distracted Drivers Are a Hazard

Distracted driving can take many forms, but all involve either a visual, cognitive, or manual distraction or a combination of the three. Actions like texting while driving can trigger the distracted driving trifecta and cause drivers to recklessly endanger others.

When a driver takes their eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, or mind off of traffic, they can be held responsible for the damage they cause in a car accident lawsuit. Accidents caused by distracted driving can include merging into another car while responding to a text, running a red light or stop sign while looking at their phone, or hitting a pedestrian because a distracted driver was not paying attention.

Negligent Drivers Can Be Held Responsible for Ignoring Traffic Laws

There are various reasons drivers break the law. For example, to make a work meeting or avoid being late to pick up the kids from school, drivers may flaunt speed limits and turn before double-checking that the road is clear. Others may be overconfident or simply choose to ignore yield signs, posted speed limits, and other drivers’ turn signals, increasing the chances of a car accident.

In some cases, drivers may even become aggressive. Drivers with road rage often disregard the law, which can include brake checking, tailgating, swerving, or speeding. Regardless of their motivation for endangering others, negligent drivers can be financially responsible for the damage they inflict in civil court.

Drivers May Be Liable for Car Accidents Caused by Mechanical Issues

Allowing tires to go bald or failing to replace an extinguished brake light can leave drivers open to a car accident lawsuit if the mechanical failure is deemed responsible for the crash. If a driver has neglected to replace their brake pads, they may be unable to come to a safe stop even if they were not impaired or distracted. The driver would still be considered liable for the damage caused to the car they rear-ended and the injuries sustained by the occupants.

Poor Road Maintenance Leaves Drivers Vulnerable to Accidents

A malfunctioning traffic light can confuse drivers about who has the right of way, leading to a pile-up at an intersection. Missing signs, damaged guardrails, faded lane paint, and large potholes are other common examples of neglected road maintenance. When the city or contractor responsible for repairing the roads and signage is negligent in their duty, they can be held liable. For example, suppose a driver is injured in a car accident that proper guardrail installment would have otherwise prevented or a city contractor fails to remove a road hazard from the path of traffic after completing their job. In that case, they may be held accountable for damages.

Serious Car Accident in Boca Raton Florida – Boca Raton Car Accident Lawyers

Serious Car Accidents Can Lead to Severe Injuries

Despite the advances the auto industry has made in terms of safety equipment, airbags, and seatbelts cannot always prevent injuries caused by negligent drivers. Car accident injuries can be minor, requiring a few stitches or over-the-counter medication, or they can be life-threatening, requiring emergency surgery and long-term care. Months or years after an accident, you may still be suffering from surgical complications, chronic pain, or struggling to regain memory and sensation.

Unfortunately, car accidents can leave emotional scars as well as physical ones. The invisible cost of injuries can often be overlooked, even when the symptoms of depression or PTSD have you calling out of work and self-isolating. At Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia, we know how to recover settlements that compensate for the full extent of the medical bills you will incur and acknowledge the costs to your mental health.

Common types of injuries caused by car accidents:

You should always see a doctor or go to a hospital or urgent care center after a car accident. Getting medical treatment documents your situation with verifiable medical records, checks for hidden injuries that might be masked by adrenalin or shock, and treats your existing injuries.

If you delay getting your injuries treated, insurance companies will likely argue that if you were actually injured, you would have sought medical treatment right away. This delay opens the door for insurers to offer a lower settlement.

What Damages Can I Recover in a Car Accident Lawsuit?

Understanding what damages you can recover after an accident is probably one of the biggest concerns you have.

Many people assume that the costs of lesser injuries will easily be covered under their Personal Injury Protection insurance, but this is not always the case. Not only is PIP insurance limited to medical bills and a portion of lost wages, but it is also often inadequate compensation for injured car accident victims.

Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia has helped many injured Boca Raton clients who maxed out their PIP insurance pursue compensation in a car accident lawsuit. When a negligent driver’s actions cause an accident that results in a severe injury or fatality, the injured parties have the right to seek compensation for both financial and non-economic losses.

Something as simple as a sprain can disrupt your life and harm your finances. When you’ve accounted for the cost of initial imaging, any needed treatment, physical therapy, the cost of using a rideshare service to make it to your appointments, and the high price of childcare, you will likely end up with a large pile of medical bills that you will have to pay out-of-pocket, let default, or forgo treatment altogether.

Examples of Damages You Can Recover from a Car Accident:

Property Damage from a Car Accident

  • Cost of Repairing or Replacing Your Car

Medical Bills from a Car Accident

  • Cost of Treating Severe Injuries, Hospital Stay, Medications, Therapy, Home Healthcare Aides

Pain and Suffering from a Car Accident

  • Including Emotional Distress and Loss of Quality of Life

Job-Related Losses from a Car Accident

  • Lost Wages
  • Lost Earning Capacity
  • Job Retraining
  • Missed Promotions
  • Diminished Household Income

Wrongful Death from a Car Accident

  • Funeral and Burial Expenses
  • Lost Income from Main Earner

Many car accident victims sustain more serious injuries with permanent implications. Your injuries can impact your ability to work or reduce your quality of life, as in the cases of paralyzing or disfiguring injuries. A skilled personal injury lawyer will be able to help you evaluate the damages you are eligible for and their respective values.


How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help Me?

A car accident lawyer from Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia can help you navigate the complexities of a car accident claim in Boca Raton and Palm Beach County.

They will handle your case while you focus on your recovery, including gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, and ensuring you receive fair compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage.

Our deep understanding of Florida traffic laws and regulations, personal injury law, and experience in and out of the courtroom can strengthen your case and help you get the money you need to rebuild your life.

Contact Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia today for a free case evaluation by calling our office at 800-320-HELP or by using our simple contact form.
