Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Lawsuits

Unparalleled Legal Support for Clients With Parkinson’s Disease Caused by Paraquat Exposure


  • Manufacturers of a major type of weedkiller are facing paraquat Parkinson’s Disease lawsuits from individuals who have developed this progressive condition.
  • There is considerable evidence that long-term exposure to paraquat may lead to Parkinson’s Disease.
  • People with Parkinson’s Disease lose control of their own movements over time, with devastating implications for their ability to work, maintain their quality of life, and afford medical treatment.

Paraquat Lawsuit: Understanding the Link Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

Paraquat, a well-known and widely used weed killer, has been linked to a serious neurodegenerative disorder called Parkinson’s Disease (sometimes called Parkinson’s or PD). This has sparked hundreds of paraquat Parkinson’s Disease lawsuits. The claims target the manufacturers as people across the U.S. discover why they or their loved ones developed the debilitating disorder.

In this article, you’ll find valuable information about Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease Lawsuits. This includes information about Paraquat and Parkinson’s disease, common questions, studies linking the chemical to the disease, potential legal ramifications, and options. It also discusses how you may be able to proceed if this situation affects you directly.

If you believe that you or a loved one have developed Parkinson’s Disease as a result of paraquat exposure, please reach out to the attorneys of Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia today about scheduling a free consultation. Our excellent record as personal injury lawyers for veterans makes us well-suited for taking on this challenge. You can reach us at (800) 320-HELP or fill out an online contact form.

An Old Person Drinking Water from the glass Cup

What Is Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease?

To understand the gravity of this mass tort issue, we must first understand Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease. Paraquat is a fast-acting and non-selective herbicide known for its potency in destroying certain plants and grasses. Basically, it is a powerful weedkiller.

Paraquat is highly toxic to humans. It has been the focus of an increasing number of product liability lawsuits brought forth because of its alleged link with the debilitating neurological disorder, Parkinson’s Disease.

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects a person’s ability to move and control their body. The symptoms of PD start gradually, with a barely noticeable tremor, usually in one hand. However, over time, the disease continues to progress at a steady rate. Eventually, PD cripples the body.

Consequently, people with Parkinson’s face a deteriorating quality of life and lose the ability to perform day-to-day functions. It can also leave an individual susceptible to deadly illnesses or falls caused by a lack of mobility.

Who Makes Paraquat?

There are lots of companies that make the herbicide chemical Paraquat. These include Syngenta, Adama Group, Altitude Crop Innovations, LLC, Drexel Chemical Company, United Phosphorous, Helm Agro, Sinon USA, Inc., and Innvictis Crop Care LLC. Several have faced wrongful death lawsuits from families of people who ingested the lethal product, arguing that the chemical’s safeguards were ineffective, and manufacturers knew it.

However, not all of these companies are being sued. The main defendants in the ongoing paraquat lawsuits are Syngenta, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, and Chevron USA, Inc.

Syngenta manufactures the herbicide Paraquat, commonly sold under the brand name Gramoxone. The plaintiffs allege that Syngenta failed to adequately warn users about the potential health risks of using Paraquat, particularly its potential to cause Parkinson’s disease.

Chevron Phillips Chemical Company and Chevron USA, Inc (collectively called Chevron in the rest of this article) distribute Paraquat in the United States. Like Syngenta, Chevron faces accusations of failing to warn users about the potential dangers of the herbicide properly.

It should be noted that these are the primary defendants in the majority of the paraquat Parkinson’s Disease lawsuits. In some specific cases, other manufacturers or distributors of Paraquat have also been named as defendants.

The Link Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

Mounting research has shown a link between paraquat exposure and Parkinson’s. Studies have suggested that paraquat exposure leads to oxidative stress in the body’s cells, a condition often associated with the onset of Parkinson’s.

Additionally, individuals with a history of using paraquat routinely at work—who happen to have a significantly higher risk of developing Parkinson’s—have provided compelling anecdotal evidence of the suspected link.

Because of this correlation, courts across the nation have started to examine the accuracy of these claims, determining the liability of the manufacturers of paraquat. They are also looking at how victims of Paraquat-caused Parkinson’s can be compensated.

Parkinson’s has previously been linked to toxic exposure, as in the case of veterans who were harmed by Camp Lejeune’s contaminated water, so this kind of connection would not be unprecedented.

Immediate Health Effects of Paraquat Exposure

Herbicides like paraquat are notorious for their catastrophic impact on the human body. For example, Agent Orange, the weedkiller that wiped out swaths of vegetation in Vietnam, causes serious respiratory conditions, birth defects, cancers, and chronic illnesses like Type II diabetes.

The dangers of immediate exposure to paraquat can be even more severe. Ingestion of even a small amount of the chemical can burn the mouth, throat, and stomach.

Ingesting a large amount can result in multiple organ failure. Contact with the skin or eyes can lead to the chemical being absorbed and distributed throughout the body, causing damage to the lungs, liver, and kidneys.

Long-term effects are even more insidious.

Long-Term Health Effects of Paraquat Exposure

Paraquat is not a chemical that the body can easily rid itself of. Since the body retains the chemical, it can cause a series of health complications over time.

Some of the most serious health problems caused by long-term exposure to Paraquat weed killer include respiratory issues.

  • Pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of the lung tissue)
  • Chronic dermatitis or other skin conditions
  • Kidney and liver damage (which impair their function and lead to various health complications)
  • Reproductive health problems (reduced fertility and an increased risk of pregnancy complications)
  • Cancer (the evidence is less clear compared to other health effects but some studies have suggested a potential association between Paraquat exposure and certain types of cancer, such as lung cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma)
  • Parkinson’s Disease

As attorneys for veterans, we have seen these kinds of side effects in service members who became sick from exposure to dangerous substances in toxic burn pits or polluted water. We have a clear understanding of just how much these injuries and illnesses can cost you, and our team is ready to support you in seeking fair compensation for your damages.

Paraquat Exposure & Parkinson’s Disease Studies

The amount of evidence showing a relationship between paraquat exposure and Parkinson’s Disease is not only damning but has served as the bedrock for the growing number of product liability lawsuits.

Studies have repeatedly shown a connection between the herbicide and the development of Parkinson’s Disease. These scientific studies have provided the precedent for the legal action against the manufacturers of paraquat, Syngenta, and Chevron Phillips Chemical Company.

Here are a few examples of several scientific studies that show a link between Paraquat exposure and an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

2007- American Journal of Epidemiology

This large epidemiological study examined the association between pesticide exposure, including Paraquat, and self-reported Parkinson’s disease among farm workers. The results suggested a potential link between Paraquat exposure and Parkinson’s disease.

2009 – American Journal of Epidemiology

This study conducted in New York City found that individuals exposed to Paraquat and other pesticides had a significantly higher risk of developing Parkinson’s disease compared to those who were not exposed.

2011 – Environmental Health Perspectives

This research, part of the Agricultural Health Study, suggested that individuals exposed to Paraquat and another pesticide called Rotenone were more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease compared to those with no exposure.

2011 – National Institute of Health (Farming and Movement Evaluation Study)

This research shows a link between pesticides rotenone and paraquat, and Parkinson’s disease. People who used either pesticide developed Parkinson’s disease approximately 2.5 times more often than non-users.

2012 – Genetic Modification Association of Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

This study suggests that Parkinson’s risk from paraquat exposure might be particularly high in individuals lacking GSTT1 (a gene found in humans that plays a crucial role in detoxification) which is common and could potentially identify a large subpopulation at high risk of PD from exposure to paraquat.

2016 – Environmental Protection Agency

This notice by the EPA from July 2021 stated that after receiving and considering public comments on the paraquat issue, the EPA is requiring mitigation measures. The goal is to reduce risks associated with paraquat to protect human health and the environment.

2016 – Nature Chemical Biology

This study discusses evidence that complex gene alterations are involved in the onset of Parkinson’s disease and the role of exposure to certain chemicals is sufficient to cause human Parkinson’s. It does go on to question the strength of the correlation.

Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease Lawsuits Allege Chemical Companies Failed to Warn Users of Health Risks

The assertion that manufacturers were aware of the dangers of paraquat without properly mitigating or notifying the public of these dangers is the crux of Paraquat Parkinson’s lawsuits.

In a groundbreaking discovery, The Guardian found internal documents that were never released to the public. The content of the documents suggested that these corporations were aware of the potential for long-term health effects. Yet, they suppressed the information for the sake of profit, just like many corporations have before them.

Now it’s time for the courts to decide accountability for these manufacturers who produced a chemical that they knew could cause serious and long-term illnesses, but still suppressed it. New product liability lawsuits are being filed all the time as the evidence against the herbicide mounts.

These product liability lawsuits represent hope, answers, and closure to those who never knew why they got Parkinson’s or never knew why they lost a loved one to the illness. Now, those who believe they were wronged by negligent corporations can get justice.

Was I Exposed To Paraquat?

Determination of paraquat exposure is critical in a legitimate personal injury lawsuit. The link between the herbicide and Parkinson’s Disease is strong. Now, we need to establish a link between the chemical and you. An examination of your work or residential history, especially in occupations where paraquat was used heavily and often, can provide evidence for your case.

At WHG, we regularly work with veterans to establish a service connection to their disability. So, we are familiar with what it takes to build a case for a causal relationship using medical records, work history, and other testimony. Our team also has a background in cases involving occupational exposure to defective products, such as the AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits.

What is the Paraquat Multi-District Litigation Lawsuit?

The Paraquat MDL (Multi-District) is a process used by the federal court system to expedite the handling of complex cases where there are a large number of victims in varying states all claiming similar injuries from certain defendants.

It allows for pretrial proceedings to occur more efficiently, reducing redundant efforts and streamlining the path to a resolution. For example, other major product liability claims like the Ozempic stomach paralysis lawsuits are being handled as a multidistrict litigation under the authority of a single judge.

MDLs are different from class actions in that a class action is one case to determine the outcome for a whole group of people with the same injury. An MDL is similar but the cases are only combined for the preliminary part of the proceedings. After that, the courts award each person a different amount of money based on the severity of their injuries.

How WHG Can Help You with a Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease Lawsuit

WHG’s legal team is dedicated to supporting victims who are seeking compensation for the hardships they have suffered due to paraquat exposure. We offer a comprehensive free consultation for all people who believe Paraquat caused their Parkinson’s.

Our legal team will guide you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to trial, if necessary. Our team has handled thousands of product liability, toxic exposure, and wrongful death cases. We are not strangers to taking on big corporations and winning.

Contact WHG to Advocate For Your Right to Compensation in a Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease Lawsuit

At WHG, our team doesn’t shy away from a fight, especially when our client’s future is on the line. If you are considering filing a paraquat Parkinson’s Disease lawsuit, we are the product liability lawyers you want in your corner. We know all too well the financial, mental, and physical costs a neurodegenerative condition like Parkinson’s Disease can have, and we are determined to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

We understand that you may have a long road ahead of you. Our team wants you to know that you don’t have to take on the paraquat manufacturers alone. WHG is here for you. You can reach us at (800) 320-HELP or fill out an online contact form. By scheduling a free consultation, you are gaining access to our curated skill set, unrelenting support, and network of resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to file a Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease lawsuit?

Eligibility is established by showing a record of paraquat exposure and a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. The experienced legal team at WHG can help you navigate the intricate required proof needed to support your claim.

The nature of your exposure, the period over which you were exposed, and the subsequent onset of symptoms are important factors in being eligible for a paraquat Parkinson’s Disease lawsuit.

What is a Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease settlement worth?

Settlements in paraquat lawsuits can vary widely depending on the specifics of the case. For example, the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries and the liability of the defendants can both play a role. Compensation may cover medical expenses as well as lost wages. Additionally, paraquat settlements may reimburse non-economic damages such as pain and suffering or loss of quality of life.

We believe the average paraquat settlement for victims of Parkinson’s disease could be around $300,000 based on past mass tort cases. However, any projected estimate regarding Paraquat settlements is still premature and is just an educated guess.

Is Parkinson’s Disease a fatal condition?

Parkinson’s Disease is not a fatal health problem, but it takes a considerable toll on the body and mind. It also gets worse over time, coinciding with the issues brought on by the normal aging process.

How were most plaintiffs exposed to paraquat?

Paraquat is mostly used in industrial farming operations, at least in the U.S. The majority of the plaintiffs in the paraquat Parkinson’s Disease lawsuits experienced occupational exposure as agricultural workers. This includes crop duster pilots who spray paraquat on the fields.

Additionally, residents of rural communities that use paraquat have filed claims. These plaintiffs allege that the weedkiller has contaminated their water supply and soil.

More Information

If Parkinson’s Disease rings a bell, it is probably because it’s one of the most common diseases people suffer from. More than 10 million people worldwide have Parkinson’s disease. It has also very publicly affected some of the most popular and notable celebrities, athletes, and politicians.

Many of these notable people have gone on to create foundations for research into Parkinson’s Disease. Their efforts have helped tremendously in slowing down its progression. Scientists have also been able to develop a better understanding of how the disease works thanks to their support.

Notable People with Parkinson’s Disease

Alan Alda (diagnosed 2015) – Actor, director, screenwriter, and author best known for playing Hawkeye Pierce in M*A*S*H*. Born 1936 – Present.

Muhammad Ali (diagnosed 1984) – Famous Boxer and “The People’s Champion”. Ali raised funds for Parkinson’s research and helped establish the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center in Phoenix, AZ. Born January 17, 1942 – Died June 3, 2016.

George H.W. Bush (diagnosed 2012) – The 41st President of the United States and two-time vice president under Ronald Reagan. Bush was the longest-living president in history, despite his PD diagnosis. Born June 12, 1924 – Died November 30, 2018.

Michael J. Fox (diagnosed 1991) – Actor and philanthropist, known for his role as Marty McFly in Back to the Future and many other award-winning acting roles. Fox has dedicated his life to helping Parkinson’s research and is among the most well-known people with PD. Born June 9, 1961 – Present.

Rev. Jesse Jackson (diagnosed 2015) – Civil rights leader who marched alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. and continues fighting for equality. Born October 8, 1941 – Present.

Ozzy Osbourne (diagnosed 2019) – Heavy metal legend and lead singer of Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame band, Black Sabbath. Born December 3, 1948 – Present.

Pope John Paul II (diagnosed 1991) – Ordained in 1978 and spent 25 years in the Vatican. He was the first non-Italian pope in over 400 years. Born May 18, 1920 – Died April 2, 2005.

Janet Reno (diagnosed 1995) – First female U.S. Attorney General and a champion for social change during a difficult political environment. Born July 21, 1938 – Died November 7, 2016.

Robin Williams (diagnosed 2014) – Adored comedian and actor with Academy Awards, Emmys, Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild Awards, and Grammy Awards. He was diagnosed 3 months before his death but did not die of PD. Born July 21, 1951 – Died August 11, 2014.
