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Injury, VA Benefits, Work Comp, Bankruptcy Blog


Doctor explains scan results to a veteran with a traumatic brain injury who may benefit from new amendments on how the military handles TBIs
Recent NDAA amendments aim to help veterans with traumatic brain injuries by expanding rehab options, screenings, and addressing other needs.
sexual assault in the military, female service member pinned down by male service-member
Reports on military sexual assault rates indicate past estimates were too low. New initiatives aim to reduce rates and compensate survivors.
Woman in pain from hidden car accident injuries, including whiplash
Hidden car accident injuries can wreak havoc on your life and finances. Note the importance of spotting injuries that often go undetected.
Injured bicyclist is sitting in the street after an accident caused by a driver's negligence
For personal injury claims to succeed, injured parties must show the defendant’s negligence; we explain what negligence is & how to prove it.
Woman dealing with car accident trauma crying behind the wheel of her vehicle
Car accident trauma is often overlooked in the aftermath of a collision. Here are a few tips for dealing with the mental effects of a crash.
Female expert witness is sworn in to give testimony in car accident cases
Expert witnesses have enormous value in car accident cases. They can offer credibility, explain liability for injuries, and estimate damages.

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