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How To File a Disability Claim with the VA

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Are you a veteran of our armed forces? Do you struggle with health issues that include chronic back pain or post-traumatic stress disorder that can be related to your service? You may be eligible for a disability claim via the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Veterans who are new to the process may not know how to file a disability claim with the VA – but we are here to help at Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia.

Are you claiming disability due to complications from your time in the United States Military? When you decide to file a VA disability claim, you have three options – file your claim by mail, file your claim in person at your local VA office or work with a professional to file your claim. Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia is a team of veterans and legal professionals – both in the theater of war and in the courtroom – and we are here to help you file your claim with the VA.

What Do I Need to File a VA Disability Claim?

The process to file a disability claim with the VA can be difficult and stressful for many veterans – but we are here to help. Many veterans want to know – what paperwork do I need to support my claim? Here is a quick look at the documents you will need when you file your disability claim.

    • VA Medical Records and Hospital Records – When you file your disability claim, you will need medical records and documents that illustrate the connection between your injury or illness and your time in service.
    • Private Medical Records and Reports – Private medical records that show that your injury, illness or disability has grown worse since your time in service are an important part of the process.
    • DD214 and Separation Documents – The VA will need your DD214 and additional discharge papers that include any service treatment records to help support your claim.
    • Supporting Statements – When you submit your claim, it is important to include supporting statements from friends, family members, other veterans and more about your condition.
    • Schedule a Claim Exam – You may need to schedule a claim exam with your local VA hospital to learn more about your injury or illness.

    How Long Does a VA Disability Claim Take?

    Many veterans want to know – what do I need to do after I file my VA disability claim? In short – you don’t need to do anything unless you receive a request for an exam. The average time for a decision on your VA disability claim is 102.4 days. When you need help with your claim, the Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia Team is here to help you navigate the claim process.

    Are you a veteran? Do you know how to file a VA disability claim? Have you had your claim denied? We can help you navigate the claim process here at Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia – just give us a call for a FREE consultation.

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About the Author

Adam Werner is a partner and practicing attorney at WHG. He specializes in personal injury cases, workers’ compensation claims, and veteran disability benefits. He routinely writes about personal injury and workers comp topics for the Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia blog

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