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Glossary Of VA Benefits Terminology

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Defining key concepts related to veterans’ disability benefits.

Veterans who have served their country in the U.S. Military are entitled to a range of benefits to assist with reentering civilian life when their service is complete. Additionally, vets can claim support for their service-connected medical conditions.

These VA disability benefits are a lifeline for veterans across America. However, navigating the world of the Veterans Affairs system can be complicated and frustrating. Here are some common terms that veterans or their loved ones may encounter while seeking VA benefits.

For additional help, get in touch with a qualified VA benefits lawyer like the team at Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia. We are happy to take the time to review VA benefits terminology related to your case so you can make informed decisions.

You can rest easy knowing our team is committed, seeing that you receive every VA disability benefit that you’re eligible for based on your military service. Reach out to our team at WHG for a free consultation following a VA denial. You can Contact us online or call us at (800) 320-HELP.

Glossary of Terms for Veterans Disability Benefits

Active Duty: Full-time military service that qualifies a veteran for benefits.

Adjudication: The formal process of evaluating and deciding a veteran’s claim for benefits, according to the law and the facts of the case.

Aid and Attendance Allowance: A financial benefit for veterans and their families who need help with daily living activities.

Appeal: A formal request to have a denied VA benefits claim reviewed by a higher authority. The VA appeals process can be complicated. However, you may need to file an appeal to access the full range of benefits you need.

Adjunct condition: A Secondary medical condition that arises from or worsens due to a primary service-connected disability.

Automobile adaptive equipment: Special equipment installed in a vehicle to assist veterans with disabilities, like a wheelchair lift.

Bereavement counseling: Counseling services that are provided to help veterans and their families cope after the loss of a loved one.

Catastrophically disabled: Refers to veterans with severe disabilities that significantly impair their ability to live independently.

Chronic care: Ongoing medical management of a long-term health condition.

Combat service: Military service involving active participation in war or armed conflict.

Community residential care: A VA program providing veterans with supervised living arrangements and support services.

Contract provider: A non-VA medical facility or healthcare professional authorized to provide care to veterans under the VA healthcare system.

Deductible: The amount a veteran pays out-of-pocket before the VA health insurance starts covering costs.

Dependent: A spouse, child, or parent who may be eligible for VA survivors and dependents benefits based on a veteran’s service.

Domiciliary: A VA facility that provides residential care and support services to veterans when they need assistance with daily living but do not require hospitalization.

Durable medical equipment: Medical equipment intended for long-term use, such as wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, or hospital beds.

Earned income: Wages, salaries, commissions, and other forms of income received from working.

Emergency: A medical condition requiring immediate medical attention to avoid serious health risks.

Environmental contaminants: Hazardous substances encountered during military service that can cause health problems. An example of out-of-control environmental contaminants is the polluted water at Camp Lejeune.

Formulary: A list of medications covered by the VA health insurance plan.

Geriatric evaluation: A comprehensive assessment of an older adult’s physical and mental health.

Hardship: A situation of financial difficulty or other significant challenge.

Home health care: Medical care provided to veterans in their own homes.

Hospice: Care provided to terminally ill patients to ensure comfort and support during their final days.

Inpatient care: Medical treatment provided in a hospital setting where the patient stays overnight.

Medical need: A condition requiring medical care to promote, preserve, or restore a veteran’s health.

Palliative care: Care focused on relieving pain and symptoms of a serious illness rather than curing or eliminating the condition.

Preventive care: Medical services aimed at preventing illness or detecting health problems early.

Prosthetic devices: Artificial limbs or implants that replace missing body parts.

Service connection: Establishing a link between a veteran’s disability and their military service. A medical condition with a Service connection is also known as a service-related disability.

Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU): A benefit for veterans with severe disabilities that make it impossible to secure full-time employment. TDIU rates are equal to 100% disability rates.

Veterans Affairs (VA): The U.S. Government agency that administers benefits for veterans and their dependents.

Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA): The part of the VA responsible for processing benefit claims.

Veterans Health Administration (VHA): The part of the VA responsible for providing health care services.

Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC): A card that allows veterans to use VA healthcare facilities.

WHG Can Help Veterans Access Their VA Disability Benefits

At Werner, Hoffman, Greig & Garcia, we are veterans who know what it’s like to deal with VA offices and piles of forms. We want to help you receive the care that you deserve following a VA claim denial. Our team is prepared to assist veterans and survivors by explaining VA benefits terminology so they can understand their choices.

We specialize in helping veterans Understand VA benefits, appeal denied VA disability claims, and obtain fair compensation for their service-related disabilities. Once a service-related condition has impacted your life, get the support you need. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We encourage you to speak with our team by Contacting us online or calling us at (800) 320-HELP.

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