Court Victory: Remand Ordered for Veteran’s IVDS Disability Ratings and TDIU Claim

The Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims recently ruled in favor of our client, remanding four claims related to his disability ratings and Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU). This decision addresses errors in the Board’s handling of his left leg radiculopathy, sciatica, IVDS, and TDIU ratings.

VA conceded the Board’s failure to adequately assess Mr. Northedge’s left leg radiculopathy and sciatica ratings. Specifically, the Board ignored evidence of worsening nerve pain and “mild” pain ratings that didn’t reflect the severity of his symptoms. The Court agreed with this concession, ordering the Board to reassess these ratings.

The veteran’s primary contested claims involved his IVDS rating and TDIU status before November 12, 2015. For his IVDS, the Court found the Board did not fulfill its duty to maximize benefits by considering staged ratings during periods of symptom worsening before his 2015 surgery. Additionally, the Board failed to address TDIU by not considering if the veteran was working in a protected work environment. He received accommodations, such as wheelchair use and hospital transport, and used leave rather than working.

The Court concluded that the Board’s approach ignored key evidence. It emphasized that, when claims are intertwined, as with the veteran’s IVDS rating and TDIU, remand ensures proper review of both. This decision affirms the VA’s duty to fully evaluate veterans’ service-connected disabilities and potential entitlements under law.

Our team is committed to fighting for veterans’ rights to comprehensive evaluations, ensuring they receive the full benefits they deserve.