In a significant victory, our veteran successfully appealed a Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA) decision denying his claims for hypertension, right hip disability, and erectile dysfunction. The Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims remanded the case, citing errors in the BVA’s decision-making.
The BVA denied the veteran’s service connection for hypertension prior to August 10, 2022. But the Board failed to consider whether his service-connected neuropathy aggravated his hypertension, as supported by lay statements and medical records. The veteran’s records documented blood pressure spikes linked to his IVIG treatments for his service-connected neuropathy. VA’s attorneys agreed this oversight violated the requirement to evaluate all potential avenues for service connection.
Finally, the BVA inadequately addressed Mannweiler’s claim for service connection for erectile dysfunction. The veteran’s lay statements linked his erectile dysfunction to his neuropathy, with credible testimony about ongoing symptoms. VA’s attorneys agreed that the Board must reconsider these statements and explore potential secondary service connection.
This remand ensures the veteran will receive a thorough review of his claims. The case underscores the importance of considering all theories of service connection and respecting veterans’ credible statements about their symptoms.
Veterans facing similar issues should ensure the VA fully evaluates all potential service connections. A successful appeal can significantly impact the benefits they receive.